How to Make a Grid in HTML: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

By Cristian G. Guasch •  Updated: 09/18/23 •  8 min read

If you’re eager to enhance your web design skills, learning how to create a grid in HTML is an excellent place to start. It’s a fundamental aspect of modern website design and can significantly improve the aesthetic and functionality of your site. I’m here to guide you through this process with clarity and precision.

grid system in HTML provides a structured layout for your web pages, making them more organized and user-friendly. But it’s not just about appearances—using grids also contributes to easier navigation, improved readability, and effective content organization.

Throughout this article, we’ll delve into various methods that can help you construct an efficient grid system for your website. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just beginning your coding journey, there’s something valuable for everyone here. So let’s get started on creating some top-notch HTML grids!

Understanding HTML Grid Structure

Peeling back the layers of HTML, you’ll find a foundational concept: the grid structure. It’s not something that leaps out at you when you’re skimming through lines of code, but it’s there, subtly guiding your design and layout choices.

Let’s start with the basics. A grid in HTML is essentially a two-dimensional structure made up of rows and columns. Think of it like a chessboard or an Excel spreadsheet. This matrix allows us to arrange elements on a webpage in an organized fashion, providing enhanced control over their positioning.

HTML doesn’t have a dedicated ‘grid’ tag per se. So how do we create grids? We utilize div elements coupled with CSS to form our desired grid structure. Here’s a simplified example:

<div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto auto;">
  <div>Block 1</div>
  <div>Block 2</div>
  <div>Block 3</div>
  <div>Block 4</div>

In this snippet, we’ve declared a div element as our grid container using ‘display: grid’. Our template consists of two auto-sized columns where each div block represents cell content.

The beauty of HTML grids lies in their versatility and responsiveness. You can adjust column numbers, row heights, gap sizes – all according to different device screen sizes. For instance, check out another variation here:

<div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px,1fr));">
   <!-- Your Blocks Here -->

This setup creates flexible columns that are at least 200px wide but can stretch further if extra space is available (thanks to 1fr). Moreover, auto-fill ensures that empty space gets populated with new columns if possible.

Remember though – HTML only sets up the structure. To make your grid visually appealing, you’d need to dip into your CSS toolbox for styling and formatting. The role of HTML is getting your elements on the stage; CSS determines how they perform their dance.

It’s this collaboration between HTML and CSS that gives grids their power, allowing them to create responsive, modern web layouts with ease.

In sum, mastering the art of creating grids in HTML is an essential skill for any budding web developer or designer. It’s not just about placing elements side-by-side; it’s about understanding how those pieces interact within a larger design puzzle.

Essential Components for Building a Grid in HTML

Let’s get started by understanding the key components that you’ll need to build a grid in HTML. First off, we’ve got the <div> element. It’s the bread and butter of any grid system and is typically used as a container for other HTML elements.

<div class="grid">
  <div class="item">Item 1</div>
  <div class="item">Item 2</div>

Think of each <div> as an individual cell within your grid. Each one can hold text, images or even other grids! That’s right! Grids can be nested inside one another to create complex layouts.

Next up is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which works hand in hand with your HTML. This is where you’ll define how many columns and rows your grid will have and what size they should be.

.grid {
   display: grid;
   grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;
.item {
   border: 1px solid black;

In this example, .grid has been set to display: grid; which activates CSS Grid Layout on the div. The grid-template-columns property defines how many columns there are and their sizes. In this case, it creates three equal-width columns.

Remember that each item within your .grid becomes a grid cell automatically aligned into these columns based on order of appearance in the code.

But wait – there’s more! We also have media queries that allow us to make our grids responsive according to screen size.

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
    .grid {
        display: block;

Here, when the viewport width falls below 600px, our three-column layout converts into single column layout for mobile devices making it more flexible and user-friendly.

To sum it up, the three essential components for building a grid in HTML are <div> elements, CSS for styling, and media queries for responsive designs. With these tools at your disposal, you’re well on your way to creating versatile layouts that look great on all devices. Let’s get started with our step-by-step guide on creating your first HTML grid. It’s not as daunting as it might sound, I promise!

The first thing you’ll need to do is create a container for your grid in HTML. This can be done by using the <div> tag. For instance:

<div class="grid-container">
  <!-- Your grid items will go here -->

Inside this container, you’re free to add your individual grid items. To keep things simple, let’s say we’re making a 3×3 grid. That means we’ll need nine individual items within our container.

<div class="grid-container">
  <div class="grid-item">1</div>
  <div class="grid-item">2</div>
  <div class="grid-item">3</div>
  <!-- And so on until you have nine items -->

Now that we’ve got our HTML structure down pat, it’s time to hop over to CSS and style our grid! Assigning styles directly to the grid-container and grid-items classes allows us to control the layout of our grid.

.grid-container {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: auto auto auto; /* Creates three columns */

.grid-item {
  border: 1px solid black; /* Adds a border around each item */

In this example, I’ve set up my container using CSS Grid Layout (display: grid;) and divided it into three equal columns (using the property ‘auto’). Each item within my grid has its own distinct border.

Well, there you have it – a simple yet efficient way to create an HTML Grid! But don’t stop here; experiment with different sizes, quantities or even dynamic content within your grids.

Remember – practice makes perfect when it comes to coding. So, keep tweaking your code and exploring new possibilities. Happy coding!

Advanced Techniques for Making a Grid in HTML

Diving deeper into the world of HTML, we’ll explore some advanced techniques to create a grid. These methods aren’t just about inserting rows and columns; they’re about leveraging your understanding of HTML and CSS to build more complex grids that can enhance your web design.

First up, let’s talk about Flexbox. I’m sure you’ve heard of it; it’s become quite popular recently due to its flexibility (pun intended). Flexbox allows you to construct grids that are easily adjustable based on screen size, making your website responsive and mobile-friendly. Here’s an example:

<div style="display: flex;">
  <div style="flex: 1;">Column 1</div>
  <div style="flex: 2;">Column 2</div>

In this code snippet, display: flex enables flexbox while flex: n assigns the proportion of space each column should take within the row.

Next on our list is the Grid layout method. It takes things further by allowing explicit control over both columns and rows simultaneously. This means you can place items exactly where you want them in a grid format. Check out this example:

<div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto auto;">
   <div>Item 1</div>
   <div>Item 2</div>
   <div>Item 3</div>
   <div>Item 4</div>

Here, grid-template-columns: auto auto specifies two equally sized columns.

Lastly, we’ll touch upon using frameworks such as Bootstrap which make creating grids even easier with predefined classes for different types of grids. Using Bootstrap can save tons of time once you get familiar with it! Here’s how simple it is:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-4">.col-md-4</div>
    <div class="col-md-8">.col-md-8</div>

In this example, .row creates a new grid row and .col-md-n specifies the number of columns each div should span on medium-sized devices.

Remember, these techniques aren’t just there to make your life difficult—they’re tools designed to help you create visually appealing, responsive designs that work flawlessly across all platforms. So dig in and experiment with these advanced methods for making grids in HTML!

Cristian G. Guasch

Hey! I'm Cristian Gonzalez, I created HTML Easy to help you learn HTML easily and fast.

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