How to Center a Table in HTML: Streamlining Your Web Design Skills

By Cristian G. Guasch •  Updated: 09/18/23 •  10 min read

When it comes to designing a website, HTML is one of the tools that I can’t do without. It’s the backbone of every webpage and mastering its basics is crucial for any aspiring web designer or developer. One common task that often confuses beginners is centering a table in HTML.

In this journey, we’ll explore how to tackle this challenge head-on. You might think it’s complex, but I assure you, with the right guidance, it’s simpler than you’d expect! From using CSS styles for modern websites to leveraging older HTML properties for legacy pages – we’ve got all bases covered.

Remember, HTML isn’t just about coding; it shapes your content and literally puts things into perspective on your webpage. And trust me when I say this – having a centered table definitely leaves an impression of professionalism and neatness on your site visitors. So let’s dive right in and get those tables in line!

Understanding HTML Tables

Let’s dive right into the world of HTML tables. If you’ve ever worked with spreadsheets or databases, you’ll feel right at home. At their core, HTML tables are a way to arrange data into rows and columns on a webpage. Think of them as an organized grid where each cell can contain text, images, links – almost anything!

HTML tables are built using several key tags: <table><tr> (table row), <td> (table data), and sometimes <th> (table header). Here’s a simple example:

    <td>This is cell 1</td>
    <td>This is cell 2</td>

    <th>Header 1</th>
    <th>Header 2</th>


In this example, we have two rows. The first row has two cells filled with regular text (“This is cell 1” and “This is cell 2”). The second row contains headers (“Header 1” and “Header 2”).

But here’s where it gets interesting – just like any other HTML element, tables can be styled using CSS! This includes centering them on your page. But more on that later.

Now it’s important to mention that while HTML tables offer structure for presenting information neatly, they aren’t meant for organizing page layout. That job belongs to CSS Flexbox or Grid systems.

For now though let’s stick to understanding our topic at hand – HTML Tables! They may seem basic at first glance but don’t underestimate their power when used correctly in web design.

Methods to Center a Table in HTML

When it comes to centering tables in HTML, there are several methods I can share with you. These techniques will prove useful whether you’re just starting out or polishing up your web design skills.

The first technique is using the “auto” value with CSS margin properties. This method is simple yet effective, and works by applying equal margins on both left and right sides of your table. Here’s an example:

    .center-table {
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;

<table class="center-table">
    <!-- Your table content goes here -->

In this example, the “center-table” class applies automatic margins to the table, which effectively centers it.

Another method involves using CSS Flexbox layout module. It’s a bit more advanced but offers greater versatility for responsive designs:

    .flex-container {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;

<div class="flex-container">
        <!-- Your table content goes here -->

In this snippet, we wrap our table in a div that uses Flexbox to center its children.

While these methods work well for modern browsers, if you need compatibility with older ones like Internet Explorer 8 and below, you might want to use the traditional “align” attribute:

<table align="center">
  <!-- Your table content goes here -->

This approach isn’t recommended for new projects due to its deprecation in HTML5 standards, but it’s worth knowing if legacy support is required.

Lastly, let’s not forget about CSS Grid layout module – a powerful tool that enables even complex layouts:

.grid-container {
  display: grid;

<div class="grid-container">
    <!-- Your table content goes here -->

In this case, the “place-items:center;” line tells the grid container to position its children (the table) in its center.

By understanding and applying these methods, you’ll master the art of centering tables in HTML!

Step-by-Step Guide: Using CSS to Center a Table

Don’t you just hate it when your table appears haphazardly off-center on your website? I’ve been there, and trust me, it’s no fun. But don’t fret! There’s an easy fix to this common problem. With the power of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) at our disposal, we can whip those unruly tables into shape in no time.

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s clarify what CSS is. It’s a language used alongside HTML to style web pages by controlling layout, colors, fonts and more. Now that you’re familiar with its purpose, let’s get down to business.

First off, wrap your table within a div element. A “div” is nothing more than a container unit which encapsulates other page elements. Here’s how it should look:

<div class="center-table">
    <!-- Your table data goes here -->

Next up – defining our CSS rule. We’ll apply this rule to any elements with the class “center-table”. This will center them horizontally within their parent element:

.center-table {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;

Let me break that down real quick:

Voila! You’ve successfully centralized your table using CSS!

But maybe you’re thinking – what if I need my table centered both vertically and horizontally? Can CSS help me out? Absolutely! Just add one more property to our existing rule:

.center-table {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;

The align-items: center; directive aligns the child items vertically in the middle. Now your table is perfectly centered in both dimensions!

One last note – always remember that CSS is a powerful tool, capable of much more than just centering tables. It’s like a Swiss Army knife for web designers! So don’t stop here; keep exploring and experimenting with different properties to create an engaging and visually appealing web page.

Common Mistakes When Centering Tables in HTML

When I’m working with HTML, one of the trickiest tasks can be centering a table. It’s not always as straightforward as it seems, and there are several common mistakes that beginners often make.

One of the most frequent mistakes is neglecting to use a parent element when trying to center a table. For instance, you might think you can just slap on text-align: center; to your table style like this:

<table style="text-align:center;">

But alas! This won’t work. You’ll find your text within the cells centered, but not the table itself.

Another typical error is improperly using CSS properties. One might get confused between margin: auto; and align: center;. Remember, if you’re looking to center the whole table, we’ve got to set its left and right margins to ‘auto’ in our CSS code:

<div style="width:100%;">
<table style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">

It’s also worth noting that forgetting about display property may lead you down a frustrating path. Not setting your table’s display property to block could leave your code ineffective.

Moreover, mixing up inline and block elements could create further confusion. For example:

<span><table></table></span> <!--Incorrect-->
<div><table></table></div> <!--Correct-->

Remember, tables are block-level elements and should be contained within other block-level elements for best practices.

Finally, one of my personal pet peeves is seeing people attempt old-school methods such as using deprecated <center> tag or align attribute which aren’t supported by HTML5:

<center><table></table></center> <!--Incorrect-->
<table align="center"></table> <!--Incorrect-->

These methods are outdated and must be replaced with modern, CSS-based approaches to ensure the longevity and compatibility of your code.

By avoiding these pitfalls, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of centering tables in HTML!

Conclusion: Mastering Table Alignment in HTML

Let’s take a step back and reflect on what I’ve covered today. By now, you should have a good grasp of how to center a table in HTML. It might seem like a small detail, but trust me, it can make all the difference when it comes to creating neat and professional-looking web pages.

Remember that nifty piece of code we used? Here it is again for quick reference:

<div style="text-align:center">
    <!-- your table content -->

This simple yet powerful snippet does the trick every time. The outer div element with its text-align:center style ensures that our table lands smack dab in the middle of the page.

It’s also worth noting that there are other ways to achieve the same effect using CSS. You could use margin:auto, for example, which automatically adjusts margins on all sides until your table is perfectly centered:

.center-table {
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;

<table class="center-table">
  <!-- your table content -->

Both methods work just fine—it’s up to you to decide which one fits best into your project.

In summary:

I hope this guide has shed some light on the topic of centering tables in HTML! Believe me, once you’ve mastered this skill, there’ll be no stopping you from creating visually pleasing web designs. Stick around for more tips and tricks—I’m here to help make coding as easy as possible!

Cristian G. Guasch

Hey! I'm Cristian Gonzalez, I created HTML Easy to help you learn HTML easily and fast.

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