How to Put Text Next to an Image in HTML: A Simple Guide for Beginners

By Cristian G. Guasch •  Updated: 09/18/23 •  8 min read

Putting text next to an image in HTML isn’t as daunting as it might seem. In fact, mastering this skill can enhance your web design capabilities and improve the overall user experience of your site. With basic HTML knowledge and a little bit of practice, you can quickly become proficient at aligning text and images just the way you want.

Firstly, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what HTML is. It’s short for Hyper Text Markup Language, the standard language used to create web pages. If you’ve ever seen a webpage with pictures, paragraphs or links – that was likely made using HTML.

In this article, I’ll guide you through simple steps on how to place your text beside an image using HTML. So whether you’re looking to align a caption with a photo or simply want to spruce up your blog posts with some imagery, stick around!

Understanding HTML for Image and Text Placement

When you’re starting to work with HTML, positioning elements can feel like a tricky puzzle. And let’s face it – getting your text to sit just right next to an image is one of those challenges that’s always popping up. I’m here to guide you through the process.

HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the backbone of most web pages. It lays out the structure and content on a page, including images and text. To place your text next to an image in HTML, you’ll be using tags like <img> for your images and <p> or <div> for your text.

Here’s a basic example:

<div style="display: flex;">
  <img src="your-image.jpg" alt="Your Image">
  <p>Your Text Here</p>

In this snippet, we’re using a div tag with a display: flex; style which arranges its child elements (in this case our image and paragraph) in a row by default. This way, our text appears right next to our image!

But remember, HTML isn’t one-size-fits-all! You can play around with different arrangements depending on what best suits your needs. For instance:

  1. If you want the image and the text centered vertically:
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center;">
  <img src="your-image.jpg" alt="Your Image">
  <p>Your Text Here</p>
  1. Or if you want some space between them:
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;">
  <img src="your-image.jpg" alt="Your Image">
  <p>Your Text Here</p>

Keep experimenting until you get your desired layout! Remember, understanding how different tags interact will give you a greater control over your webpage’s design. So, don’t be afraid to try out different styles and arrangements until you find what works best for your project!

Essential HTML Tags for Aligning Text and Images

Let’s dive right into the exciting world of HTML, where we’ll explore how to place text next to an image. It’s simpler than you might think! With just a few basic tags and properties, you can create visually appealing layouts.

The primary weapon in our arsenal is the <img> tag. This handy little tag allows us to insert images into our HTML document. What if we want some text next to that image? That’s where the align attribute comes into play. The align attribute can position your text either on the left or right side of an image.

Here’s a simple example:

<img src="image.jpg" align="left">
<p>Your text goes here.</p>

In this chunk of code, “Your text goes here” will appear on the right side of your image since we’ve set align as left.

Yet there’s more! Another useful tag is <div>. Div stands for ‘division’ and it helps in creating sections or blocks within your web page. You can use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) along with divs to further control the alignment of elements.

Consider this example:

<div style="float: left">
  <img src="image.jpg">
<p>Your text goes here.</p>

In this case, we’re using CSS property float inside our div element. Just like before, your text will be placed on the right side of the image.

Bear in mind though: these are old-school methods! Modern web development often leans towards flexbox or grid systems which provide even greater control over layout design but require a bit more understanding.

I hope these examples clarify how you can put some pep in your website’s step by aligning images and texts effectively.

Alright, let’s dive right into the step-by-step guide to putting text next to an image in HTML.

To start, we’ll need a basic understanding of HTML tags. In HTML, every piece of content is enclosed within tags. For instance, <img> is the tag used for adding images, while <p> stands for paragraph and encloses blocks of text.

Let’s consider this simple scenario: you have an image file named ‘flower.png’ and you want to place a description next to it. Here’s how you’d do it:

<img src="flower.png" alt="A beautiful flower">
<p>This is a beautiful flower.</p>

In this example, src attribute in the <img> tag points to your image file and alt provides alternative text when the image cannot be displayed. The <p> tag contains your desired text.

You might notice that the text still appears below the picture instead of beside it. That’s where CSS comes in! We use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to control how HTML elements are displayed on screen.

Here’s how we can tweak our previous code with inline CSS:

<div style="display: flex;">
  <img src="flower.png" alt="A beautiful flower">
  <p>This is a beautiful flower.</p>

By wrapping both elements with a <div> tag and applying display: flex;, we’re able to get them side by side!

However, hard-coding styles directly into HTML isn’t ideal because it gets messy quickly as your project grows larger. Instead, you could link an external CSS file or use internal styles within <style> tags at head section of your HTML document like so:

  .image-text-wrapper {
    display: flex;

<div class="image-text-wrapper">
  <img src="flower.png" alt="A beautiful flower">
  <p>This is a beautiful flower.</p>

This way, you can reuse the same CSS class for any other sets of image and text. Remember, practice makes perfect. So go ahead and try pairing different images and texts using HTML!

Common Mistakes When Putting Text Next to an Image in HTML

Let’s dive into some of the common pitfalls people encounter when trying to put text next to an image in HTML. It’s easy to make mistakes, but I’m here to guide you through them and offer solutions along the way.

One mistake that’s easy to fall into is not using a container element for your image and text. Without something wrapping around these elements, they can end up scattered across the page like leaves on a windy day. Here’s how it might look:

<img src="image.jpg">
<p>This is my image description.</p>

Instead, we should be doing something like this:

   <img src="image.jpg">
   <p>This is my image description.</p>

Another common error is neglecting CSS altogether. While HTML provides the structure of our webpage, CSS gives it style and layout. By ignoring CSS or not utilizing its full potential, your text may not align properly with your images. Check out this code snippet below that shows how you can use CSS alongside HTML:

<div style="display: flex;">
   <img src="image.jpg" style="width: 50%;">
   <p>This is my image description.</p>

In the example above, I’ve used inline styling within the style attribute for brevity; however, it’s generally recommended to separate your styles into an external stylesheet for easier management.

Finally, let’s talk about responsiveness – one of the biggest challenges in web design today. Without proper attention paid to responsive design principles, your text and images might look great on a desktop screen but become misaligned or even overlap on smaller screens like mobile devices.

To avoid this problem consider using responsive units such as percentage (%) or viewport width (vw) instead of pixel values (px) for your image widths and text sizes. Here’s an example:

<div style="display: flex;">
   <img src="image.jpg" style="width: 50vw;">
   <p style="font-size: 3vw;">This is my image description.</p>

Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to HTML and CSS. Don’t be discouraged by these common mistakes – they’re all part of the learning process!

Cristian G. Guasch

Hey! I'm Cristian Gonzalez, I created HTML Easy to help you learn HTML easily and fast.

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