How to Unbold Text in HTML: A Straightforward Guide for Beginners

By Cristian G. Guasch •  Updated: 09/18/23 •  10 min read

I get it. You’ve finished creating your website’s content, perfectly bolded some text for emphasis, and now you’re scratching your head on how to unbold the HTML text. Don’t worry! I’m here to guide you through the process with ease.

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a cornerstone of web development. It’s what shapes and structures the content on a webpage. Within its vast capabilities lies the ability to bold and unbold text – an essential skill for any budding web developer or blogger like myself.

The good news is that unbolding text in HTML isn’t a complicated task. Essentially, it involves understanding just a few basic tags and how they work together in your HTML code. Let’s dive right into it, shall we?

Understanding HTML Text Styling

Peeling back the layers of HTML text styling, it’s impossible to ignore the significance of bolding and unbolding elements. Yes, that’s right! Bolding gives your text that extra punch, making it stand out amid a sea of content. But what happens when you need to revert to normal? That’s where understanding how to unbold text in HTML comes into play.

You see, in HTML, we’ve got specific tags that help us style our text exactly how we want it. For emboldening words or phrases, we typically use the <b> or <strong> tags. Now let’s say you’ve highlighted some information with these tags and later decide it doesn’t need as much emphasis as you initially thought. How do you switch back? Well, all you’d have to do is remove those tags!

For example:

<b>This is some bolded text</b>

Simply becomes:

This is some bolded text

And voila! Your previously emphatic statement now blends seamlessly with the rest of your content.

But hey! It isn’t always about removing tags entirely. There are times when merely modifying them will suffice. Consider this: You have a paragraph marked up with <p> tag and inside this paragraph, a portion of your text is wrapped within <b> or <strong>. If you wish to revert only part of this paragraph from being bold back to its normal state while keeping the rest intact… Well my friend, just apply some strategic tag removal!

Here’s an example:

<p>This is a <b>very important</b> sentence.</p>

Your modification would look something like this:

<p>This is a very important sentence.</p>

By now I’m sure it’s pretty clear – mastering HTML styling isn’t rocket science. It’s all about understanding your tags, knowing when to use them, and perhaps more importantly, when to remove them! And with that knowledge in your arsenal, unbolding text becomes as easy as pie.

Techniques for Bold Text in HTML

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the backbone of nearly every webpage you’ve seen. It’s where we start when we’re coding a new page. And one of the most common formatting tasks? Making text bold. There are actually several ways to do this in HTML.

The first and perhaps most well-known method involves using the <b> tag. By wrapping text within these tags, like so: <b>Your bolded text here</b>, you’ll create bolded output on your webpage. This tag is often used for drawing attention to certain parts of your content without implying any added importance.

Next up, there’s the <strong> tag which looks something like this: <strong>This is important.</strong>. While it also results in bolded text visually, it carries semantic meaning indicating that its contents have strong importance. Screen readers and search engines can interpret this emphasis differently compared to just plain old bold text from a <b> tag.

If you’re working with CSS alongside HTML, another option available to you is utilizing font-weight. In your CSS file or style section, declare a class like .bold { font-weight: bold; } then apply it as needed throughout your HTML document: <p class="bold">This will be bold too!</p>. The beauty of using CSS for styling is that it gives us more control over exactly how heavy our ‘bold’ appears by allowing values other than just ‘normal’ and ‘bold’.

Lastly, even though they’re less commonly used nowadays due to their presentational nature clashing with modern web design principles favoring separation of content and presentation – there’s still the good old fashioned deprecated (<big></big>) and obsolete (<blink></blink>) tags that were used for making things stand out back in the day!

Each solution has its own use cases depending on whether your focus is purely aesthetic or if it also involves SEO and accessibility considerations. It’s a great idea to be familiar with all of them, so you can choose the best fit for each situation.

Here are a few examples:

So next time you’re coding in HTML and need to make some text stand out, remember – there’s more than one way to embolden! Ready to unbold text in HTML? Let’s dive into the process. Unbolding text in HTML is as simple as understanding which tags have been used to apply the bold effect, then removing or modifying these tags.

The most commonly used tags for bolding text in HTML are <strong> and <b>. Here’s a quick example:

<strong>This is some bold text.</strong>
<b>This is also some bold text.</b>

To unbold the text, you’d simply remove those tags. Like this:

This is some unbolded text.
This is also some unbolded text.

But what if you’re dealing with CSS styled elements? When CSS comes into play, things get a little more complex. CSS can be applied inline or in an external stylesheet. If it’s inline on your HTML element, it might look something like this:

<p style="font-weight:bold;">This is bolded using CSS</p>

You’d need to change font-weight:bold; to font-weight:normal; or just remove the style attribute completely.

<p style="font-weight:normal;">This is unbolded using CSS</p>
<p>This is another example of unbolded text</p>

Sometimes, you’ll encounter situations where multiple factors are making your text appear bold. For instance, you might find both an HTML tag and a CSS property working together.

<b style="font-weight:bold;">Double trouble!</b>

In cases like this one, make sure you tackle both aspects – remove/modify the HTML tag and adjust/remove the styling property.

Remember that when working with others’ code (or even revisiting your own older projects), it’s important not just to know how to apply styles but also to understand how they’ve been implemented so that you can make changes in the most efficient way. Happy coding!

Troubleshooting Common Issues While Unbolding Text

Sometimes, unbolding text in HTML can be an uphill battle. Despite your best efforts, you may find that the text remains stubbornly bold. It’s okay though! I’m here to help you troubleshoot some common issues.

One possible hiccup could be incorrect syntax. In HTML, you generally use the <strong> tag to bolden text and simply remove it when you want to unbold it. So if your code looks like this:

<strong>I am bold!</strong>

To unbold the text, you’ll simply need to remove those tags:

I am no longer bold!

But what happens if your text stays bold? Well, there might be other factors at play. One of them could be overlapping or nested tags. Let’s say our initial scenario is this:

<b><strong>I'm doubly bold!</strong></b>

In this case, removing just one set of tags won’t do the job as expected:

<b>I'm still somewhat bold!</b>

This is because there are two sets of tags applying a “bold” style – both <strong> and <b>. Make sure all relevant tags are removed!

Finally, don’t forget about CSS styles! If a CSS rule is making your text bold regardless of your HTML markup, that’s another beast entirely.

.always-bold {
  font-weight: bold;

If this CSS class is applied to your element…

<p class="always-bold">I can't stop being bold!</p>

…you’ll have to hunt down that pesky .always-bold class in your stylesheet and change font-weight: bold; into font-weight: normal;.

Troubleshooting HTML might seem daunting at first but with a little patience and practice, you’ll become a pro in no time. Remember to check your syntax, beware of nested tags, and don’t overlook CSS!

Conclusion: Mastering Text Formatting in HTML

It’s clear that mastering text formatting in HTML is simpler than it first appears. I’ve walked you through the steps to unbold text in your webpage, and with practice, you’ll soon get the hang of it.

Let’s recap on what we’ve learned. We know that the <b> tag is used to bold a piece of text in HTML, and by simply not using this tag around our desired content, we can keep our text unbolded.

Here’s an example:

<p>This is a <b>bold</b> statement.</p>

In this snippet, ‘This is a’ and ‘statement.’ remain unbolded due to their placement outside of the <b> tags.

We also discovered how stylesheets provide another method for controlling boldness with more granularity. Here’s an illustration:

<p style="font-weight:normal;">This will be normal weight.</p>

The font-weight:normal; command ensures that every word within these paragraph tags remains unbolded.


With these tools at your disposal, managing your site’s typography becomes effortless. As you continue experimenting with different HTML tags and CSS properties, you’ll gain more control over your website’s aesthetics.

So there you have it – my top tips for mastering text formatting in HTML. With some practice and patience, I’m confident that you’ll become proficient at manipulating web typography to suit your design needs.

Cristian G. Guasch

Hey! I'm Cristian Gonzalez, I created HTML Easy to help you learn HTML easily and fast.

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