How to Add Space in HTML: Your Guide for a Cleaner Code Layout

By Cristian G. Guasch •  Updated: 09/18/23 •  9 min read

Understanding how to add space in HTML can be a game-changer when it comes to web design. It’s not just about making your website look good—it’s also about improving readability and user experience. When used effectively, spaces can provide visual relief and help guide users’ eyes through your content.

So, how exactly do you add space in HTML? Let me break it down for you. There are several ways to go about it, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Whether you’re a seasoned coder or just starting out, I’ve got the information you need to make your websites stand out from the crowd.

In this article, I’ll delve into some of these methods—ranging from using simple HTML tags like <br> and &nbsp; to more complex CSS properties. By the end of this post, you’ll have a firm grasp on how to manipulate spaces in HTML effectively and confidently.

Understanding HTML Space Entities

Diving straight into the world of web design and coding, it’s crucial to understand the concept of HTML space entities. These little pieces of code are instrumental in ensuring your website content is displayed correctly and with the desired formatting.

One common entity you’ll encounter is &nbsp;, short for non-breaking space. It’s like hitting the space bar on your keyboard, but instead, you’re telling your browser explicitly to add a space there. Let’s say we have two words “Hello” and “World”. If we want to add a space between these two words via HTML, it would look like this:


This will output: Hello World.

On occasion, you might need more than one consecutive space. Here’s where things get tricky because multiple spaces are typically collapsed into one by most browsers. But don’t fret, I’ve got an easy solution for that! You can use as many &nbsp; entities as needed:


The output? Hello World.

Now, &nbsp; isn’t our only player in this game. We also have some other handy entities such as &ensp; for an en-space (half the width of an em), and &emsp; for an em-space (about the width of a capital letter ‘M’). They work similarly:

<p>Hello&ensp;World</p> <!-- outputs: Hello World -->
<p>Hello&emsp;World</p> <!-- outputs: Hello  World -->

These entities can be real lifesavers when you’re wrestling with spacing issues in your webpage layout or text formatting. Be sure to keep them in your arsenal!

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Spaces in HTML

Here’s the scoop, folks: adding spaces in HTML isn’t as daunting as it might initially seem. In fact, I’m going to walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to do just that.

First things first, let’s debunk a common misconception – hitting the space bar multiple times won’t create additional spaces in your HTML code. Why, you ask? Because HTML ignores extra whitespace. So if you’re tapping away at the space bar hoping for a gap between words or items on your web page, stop right there!

Instead of giving your space bar a workout, try using special characters known as “HTML entities”. The most commonly used entity for creating spaces is &nbsp;, which stands for non-breaking space. Here’s an example:

<p>This is some text.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;And here are some extra spaces.</p>

Voila! With just a few keystrokes, we’ve created extra spaces between our words.

But wait—there’s more! There are other ways to add spaces in HTML aside from &nbsp;. You can also use CSS properties such as ‘margin’ and ‘padding’. For instance:

  .add-space {
    margin-right: 10px;
    padding-left: 20px;

<p class="add-space">This creates space too!</p>

By adjusting these properties accordingly, you can achieve the desired amount of spacing throughout your website.

So whether you’re designing a simple blog or a complex e-commerce site, mastering the art of adding spaces in HTML can significantly improve its readability and aesthetics. And remember – practice makes perfect! Don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques until you find what works best for your specific needs.

Common Mistakes When Adding Space in HTML

I’ve seen it time and again, folks grappling with how to add space in HTML. It’s not uncommon to stumble upon a few mistakes along the way; after all, we’re only human. Let me shed some light on those common pitfalls that I’ve noticed crop up frequently.

One of the biggest missteps is using multiple non-breaking space characters ( ) in a row. It’s easy to fall into this trap as it seems like an effective quick fix. But here’s the thing: excessive use of   can lead to messy code and inconsistent spacing across different browsers or devices.


Another error that often rears its head is using br tags for adding horizontal spaces. The br tag is designed for line breaks, not for creating space between elements horizontally.

<p>This is a text.<br><br><br>Another text.</p>

Yet another blunder one might encounter involves misuse of padding and margin CSS properties. These are powerful tools when used correctly but they’re not meant to be substitutes for proper HTML structure.

<p style="padding-left: 50px;">This is a text.</p>

Speaking of CSS, failing to utilize inline-block or flex display properties could also land you in hot water if you’re trying to create spaces between inline elements.

<span style="display: block; margin-right: 10px;">Text1</span> <span>Text2</span>

So there you have it – these are just some examples of common errors when adding space in HTML code. Stay vigilant against these traps next time you’re coding!

Pro Tips for Efficient Spacing in HTML

I’m about to dive deep into the ocean of HTML spacing. If you’ve ever wrestled with misaligned elements or wondered why your website’s layout isn’t quite right, this section is for you.

The most basic way to add space in HTML is by using the &nbsp; character entity. It’s an old-school method but still works like a charm! For example:

<p>Hello &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; World!</p>

This will give you a paragraph that reads “Hello World!” with three spaces between the words. It’s simple and straightforward, but it can get tedious if overused.

Next up, we have CSS – our superhero when it comes to styling web pages! I’ll bet my last cupcake that CSS properties such as padding and margin will become your best friends in no time. Let me show you how it’s done:

  .myDiv {
    padding: 10px;
    margin: 20px;

<div class="myDiv">Hello World!</div>

In this example, ‘padding’ adds space inside our div element (between the text and the border), while ‘margin’ gives us some room on the outside.

Now, let’s talk about line breaks <br>. They’re not typically used for adding horizontal space but they sure do wonders vertically! When added after a string of text, <br> forces everything afterwards onto a new line:


Here, instead of reading as “Hello World!”, each word gets its own line thanks to our handy dandy <br> tag!

Finally, I’d advise against using tables or empty divs to create space. These methods are considered outdated and can lead to confusing code. Stick with CSS and character entities for a cleaner, more efficient approach.

Remember, like any good baker knows, the secret’s in the spacing! Too little or too much can throw off your entire layout. So take these tips to heart and you’ll have well-spaced HTML in no time. And hey, don’t forget to experiment! Combining methods often leads to the best results.

Conclusion: Mastering Space Addition in HTML

Nailing down the art of adding space in HTML can make a world of difference for your web design projects. It’s not just about knowing the theory; it’s also about understanding when and where to apply it effectively.

Let’s take another look at some examples I’ve covered throughout this post:

  1. &nbsp; – This is a non-breaking space in HTML, which is used to create extra spaces that won’t be deleted by the browser.Example usage: Hello&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;World!
  2. <br> – The line break tag allows us to place a single line space between items.Example usage:Hello World!<br> Nice to meet you!
  3. <p> or Paragraph Tag – It automatically creates some white space before and after itself.Example usage:<p>Hello World!</p> <p>Nice to meet you!</p>

Remember, mastering these techniques takes practice, so don’t fret if you’re still figuring things out. Just like learning any new skill, patience and perseverance are key!

When it comes to adding space in HTML, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It really depends on what you’re trying to achieve with your layout and how much control you want over the spacing details.

Finally, always keep an eye on accessibility best practices while dealing with spaces as excessive use might lead to bad user experience for individuals using screen readers or similar assistive technologies.

In closing, I hope this article has been helpful for those who are looking for ways to add space in their HTML code more efficiently and effectively! Remember that good website design is all about attention to detail – and even something as seemingly minor as proper spacing can have a major impact on how users perceive your site. Happy coding!

Cristian G. Guasch

Hey! I'm Cristian Gonzalez, I created HTML Easy to help you learn HTML easily and fast.

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