HTML <base> Tag: Usage, Attributes, and Real-Life Examples

By Cristian G. Guasch •  Updated: 09/25/23 •  10 min read

As someone who’s been immersed in the world of web development, I can tell you that HTML is like the backbone of any webpage. Dive a little deeper and you’ll find a series of tags that breathe life into these static pages. Today, it’s all about the HTML <base> tag – an often overlooked but undeniably powerful tool in your markup arsenal.

This unassuming tag sits neatly within your HTML head element and might seem insignificant at first glance. Yet, it holds the key to specifying a base URL for every relative URL in your document. Think of it as setting a home address for all your hyperlinks and resources.

In this article, I’ll be demystifying its usage, attributes, and will provide examples to help illustrate its practical applications. Whether you’re new to coding or an experienced developer looking for a refresher on <base>, buckle up because we’re about to embark on an enlightening journey through the land of HTML tags!

Understanding the HTML <base> Tag

Let’s dive right into the world of HTML and explore one of its lesser-known elements: the <base> tag. Often overlooked, this tag plays an integral role in web development. It’s essentially a reference point for all relative URLs found on a page.

In more technical terms, the <base> element specifies the base URL or target for all relative URLs in a webpage. You can think of it as your home address; just like how every piece of mail that gets sent to you needs to know your home address, every relative URL on your webpage needs to know its “home” or base URL.

Here’s what a typical <base> tag might look like:

  <base href="">

In this example, any links on our page will be based off If we had an image with a relative path of /images/logo.png, it would be loaded from

The <base> tag only accepts two attributes: href and target. The href attribute is used to specify the base URL for all relative URLs in the document while target sets where to open linked documents by default – either in a new window/tab (_blank) or same frame (_self).

However, there’s something important I need to point out about using the <base> tag. It should always go inside the <head> section and must appear before any other elements that use URLs (like stylesheets). Another thing worth mentioning is that you can only have one <base> element per page and if omitted, all links will use their own URL as their base.

While not frequently used due to its potential complications (such as causing confusion when multiple pages share assets), understanding how to use the <base> tag is a valuable skill for any web developer. It’s one of those nuances that can help you troubleshoot issues or optimize your website in certain scenarios.

Just remember, like any other tool, it’s all about knowing when and how to use it. So keep practicing and experimenting with different tags until you’re comfortable using them in your projects.

Key Attributes of the HTML <base> Tag

Diving into the nuts and bolts of web development, let’s shed some light on one little-known yet vital component: the HTML <base> tag. It’s a unique piece in the HTML puzzle that often gets overlooked. This element sets a base URL for all relative URLs within an HTML document. But what makes it tick? Well, there are two primary attributes we need to focus on: href and target.

The href attribute within the <base> tag is used to specify a base URL for all relative URLs in a page. If you’re wondering what that looks like in action, here’s an example:

   <base href="">

In this snippet, any subsequent relative URL will reference “” as its starting point.

Next up is the target. This attribute specifies where to open linked resources found in tags like <a>, <form>, or <area>. For instance:

   <base target="_blank">

Here, every link clicked on your webpage would open in a new tab or window since _blank was set as default.

But be aware! Incorrect usage can lead to common mistakes such as broken links if not implemented carefully. Also remember, only one single <base> tag should be included per page and must reside inside the <head> element!

In conclusion, mastering these key attributes helps unlock powerful control over your website’s navigation flow and resource management. So next time you’re coding away at your latest project, don’t forget about this handy little tag!

Proper Usage of the HTML <base> Tag

Let’s dive right into the crux of the matter – how to correctly use the HTML <base> tag. It’s an element that can be a gamechanger in your web development projects if used properly. The primary function of this tag is to specify a base URL for all relative URLs in a webpage. That means, instead of writing out full URLs every time you want to link or refer to something within your site, you can just use relative links.

For instance, let’s say I’m working on my website “”, and I have several pages like “/about.html”, “/contact.html” etc., which are frequently linked throughout my site. Instead of using these whole URLs again and again, I’d place the <base> tag inside the head section (it must go there) with href attribute set as my main domain:

<base href="">

Now when I need to link any page, I could simply write:

<a href="about.html">About Us</a>

Instead of:

<a href="">About Us</a>

One important thing about this tag is that it should be used only once per document and always inside the <head> section. Also note that if both href and target attributes are specified within a single base element, href should come first; otherwise it might not work as expected.

Despite its usefulness, many beginners often ignore this powerful tool because they’re unaware or unsure about its proper usage. A common mistake is placing multiple base tags in one document – remember folks, one document equals one base tag!

In terms of SEO optimization, well-structured internal linking can boost your web pages’ performance on search engine results pages. The <base> tag can make this task a lot easier and efficient.

To sum it up, the HTML <base> tag is an incredibly handy tool for web developers, helping to streamline your website’s internal links structure while keeping your code clean and readable.

Real-World Examples of HTML <base> Tag Application

Let’s dive into some real-world examples to better grasp the practical use and application of the HTML <base> tag. It’s important to remember that the <base> tag is used in an HTML document to specify a base URL for all relative URLs within that document.

For instance, consider you’re creating a web page with multiple links pointing towards different sections of your main website – let’s say it’s “”. Instead of typing out the full URL for each link, you’d only need to declare it once using the <base> tag. Here’s how:

    <base href="">

    <a href="/about">About Us</a>
    <a href="/blog">Blog</a>
    <a href="/contact">Contact Us</a>

In this example, clicking on any of the links would lead you directly to “”, “/blog” or “/contact”.

Another key feature is setting a target for all links on your webpage via target attribute in <base> tag. Say you want every link on your webpage to open in a new tab by default, here’s how:

   <base href="" target="_blank">

   <a href="/about">About Us</a>
   <!-- This will open in a new tab -->

A common mistake when using the <base> tag is placing it outside the <head> element or using more than one <base> tags per document. The former leads to invalid code while latter confuses browser causing unpredictable behavior. Always ensure that there’s only one <base> tag and it’s within <head> element.

While the <base> tag is highly useful, it isn’t widely used because it can potentially complicate things if you’re not careful. Changes to the base URL will affect all relative URLs in a document, which might lead to broken links if not managed properly. Therefore, I advise using it sparingly and only when necessary.

Concluding Thoughts on HTML <base> Element

I’ve had a great time sharing my knowledge about the HTML <base> element with you. It’s such an underrated part of web development, yet it plays a significant role in defining or altering the base URL for all relative URLs within a document.

Let’s recount some key takeaways:

Here’s an example to refresh our collective memory:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<base href="" target="_blank">

<img src="img_logo.gif" alt="Logo Image">


In this snippet, img_logo.gif will load from Also, all links will open in a new tab or window due to target="_blank" attribute.

Still, we shouldn’t overlook potential pitfalls. Misusing or overusing the <base> element can lead to confusion and unexpected results. For instance:

Overall though, I believe understanding how and when to use the HTML <base> element can open up many opportunities for efficient coding. It may seem like just another small detail in web development but as we know – details do matter. Happy coding!

Cristian G. Guasch

Hey! I'm Cristian Gonzalez, I created HTML Easy to help you learn HTML easily and fast.

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